If you use CloudFront to serve static assets, you can setup CloudFront to send logs to an S3 bucket. Once the logs are in an S3 bucket, you can use Athena to query the logs. This gives you greater visibility into what requests are being made to your CloudFront distributions.

Assuming that I have already setup a cloudfront_logs table in Athena, I can query for logs from the last week, ordered by date, with a query like this:

FROM cloudfront_logs
WHERE "date" >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7' day
ORDER BY "date" desc, time desc
LIMIT 100;

If I wanted to know how many requests were made to my CloudFront distribution each day last week, I could use a query like this:

SELECT "date", COUNT(*) AS count
FROM cloudfront_logs 
GROUP BY "date"
ORDER BY "date" desc

Maybe I want to know which IP addresses have most frequently made requests to a CloudFront distribution. In that case I could use a query like:

SELECT "request_ip", COUNT(*) AS count
FROM cloudfront_logs 
GROUP BY "request_ip"
ORDER BY count desc

What if we wanted to see how many cache hits we had compared to cache misses. A query like the following would provide that information:

             WHEN cl.result_type = 'Miss' THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS MissCount,
             WHEN cl.result_type='Hit' THEN 1
             ELSE 0
           END) AS HitCount
  FROM cloudfront_logs cl

These are relatively simple queries, but they do show how powerful Athena queries can be for CloudFront log analysis.